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Extending an App Upon Renewal

Keep an app active into your next billing period

Luke Melia avatar
Written by Luke Melia
Updated over a week ago

What does it mean to extend an app?  Extending an app keeps your app active and available into your new billing period. 

Why should I extend an app? Whatever the reasons (i.e ongoing training or communications, engaging users, or providing extended networking for event attendees, etc.) this is the option you’ll want to choose for any apps that you are not ready to have archived and removed from your users’ devices. 

What if I don’t want the same app to be available year-round? Alternatively, we have an option called “Archiving”. If you don’t need your app year-round, this may be the option for you. You can find out more about archiving your apps here.

A few reminders about extending an app:

  • Remember that app activations are for an entire annual billing cycle. When you extend an app, you use one of your available activations for that cycle. For example, if you have a three-app plan and decide to extend one app for the new billing cycle, then you will then have two remaining app activation credits available for use in the billing cycle. 

How to extend an app:

Upon renewal, you will see a screen similar to the one below.

  1. Decide which apps you want to extend.

  2. Make sure the toggle button is green (see the image below). This indicates that the app will be extended.

   3. You’re all set! Your app will now remain active and available for your users. You may then continue to edit the app if you wish.

Need ideas on how to get the most out of your mobile event app before, during and after your event? We’ve got you covered! Check out our blog post on making the most of your app year-round. 

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