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Social Feed Page

Let users post text & photos, like & comment, all with robust notifications

Luke Melia avatar
Written by Luke Melia
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Our Social Feed page is the heart of your Yapp app. Consider it your own private Facebook or Instagram feed, where you and your app users can network, communicate, and interact. As the app admin, you have full control to configure this page to meet your exact needs. 

Some ideas for what you can use the social feed page are:

Community social feed: Just like your Facebook feed, your app users can post updates that everyone can see. Each post can be liked or commented on by anyone. Attendees will receive push notifications for new posts or interactions with their posts.

Photo-centric “Crowd Pics” page: You can enable Grid view to give your feed an Instagram look and feel for shared photos. Pro Tip: For a strictly photo-sharing page, such as a live photo wall, we suggest turning comments off

Announcements page: With the right settings, you can create a feed that only admins can post to. This is incredibly useful for notifying your app users about important, up-to-the-minute information. To enable admin-only posting, select the “Admins Only” option under “Who Can Post?” in your Social Feed Page Settings. You also have control over whether users can like or comment on these posts.

You don’t have to choose just one set of options. Like all our pages, you can add multiple Social Feed pages to your apps, and configure each one separately. Use them for different topics, different styles of pages, or both!

What types of media can be posted?

Every account has the ability to post text and photos. Users who are on our Team plan can post videos as well.

How to add a social feed page

To add the Social Feed to your app, simply go to "Add Page" in the Editor and choose the "Social Feed" page type icon.

Configuring your page

At any time you can click on the Page settings gear, located in the page list on the left, to change the configuring of this particular page. Check out the screenshot below:

Push Notifications

By default, users will receive notifications for every social feed page within your app. This means they will receive a notification when:

  • A new post is added to the feed

  • Someone likes or comments on a post they created

As an admin, you can choose which pages should notify by default when a user installs your Yapp. Afterward, a user has full control of the notifications they receive. They can:

  • Turn off notifications for specific social feed pages

  • Turn off receiving notifications about likes on their posts, but not comments

  • Subscribe/Unsubscribe to notifications on any post

For more detailed information, please see our Push Notifications Article.

New Post Permissions

Admins Only: We have many users who use the social feed page for announcements. To make sure everyone can find what’s important, it may be useful to only allow app admins to post to a particular page. Turn this setting to “Admin Only”, then publish, and you are good to go!

Everyone: All users of your app will have the ability to post.


As an app admin, you have the ability to delete any post or comment within your app.

We also support social feed moderation capabilities in our Team plan, enabling you to approve or deny all posts or comments before they are seen by everyone else. More details are available in our Social Feed Moderation article.

Scheduling social feed posts and announcements

Learn how to create, preview, update, and delete a post or announcement scheduled to be sent at a later time on the Scheduled Posts page.

Analytics & Content Export

Social feed posts and media can be exported as part of our Content Export feature. To view the performance of your posts, including overall page engagement, such as views, likes, and comments, see your app analytics. Note: These advanced analytics are only available with our Core, Team, and Volume plans.

User Privacy

To post, like, or comment, a user will need to identify themselves. In order to do so, app users will be asked to sign up and authenticate with their email address or Facebook account the first time that they try to post.

Note: we do not email or share your users’ contact information with anyone. This procedure lets us identify the author of posts, photos, comments, or likes, notify them about activity on their posts, and allow authors to edit or remove their own content later. For more information, see our Privacy Policy or DPA.


  • You can only post to the social feed from a mobile device. Please let us know if desktop social feed posting is important to you

  • The video feature has two limitations.

    • The maximum length of a single video is 5 minutes

    • The total of all of the videos posted to your apps for a single billing cycle is 800 minutes. If you need more than that, please contact support

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