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Bulk uploading content from a CSV file

How to use our .csv upload tool to import content to people, sponsor, schedule, and multi-track pages

Luke Melia avatar
Written by Luke Melia
Updated over 9 months ago

If you have a lot of sessions, people, or sponsors to enter, you can save time by uploading data from a .csv via our “Import from CSV” tool.*

Look for the .csv button on the bottom right of the People, Sponsor, Schedule, and Multi-Track Pages.  

To ensure the smoothest experience, download one of the templates enclosed here:

If you're using Safari, you may need to hold the control key, click the link, and select "Download Linked File"

You can see a quick video of how this feature works:

Some notes on how to have the smoothest experience with this feature:

  1. Make sure the file you are uploading from is a .csv (to save an Excel file as a .csv, just hit save as and choose .csv for the format).

  2. Make sure the date format is mm/dd/yyyy and the time format is hh:mm AM/PM

  3. If you are using a People or Sponsor template and want to include photos, make sure the URL is something that is publicly accessible (e.g. if you paste the link into an incognito browser, you can see it)

  4. Attaching documents to schedule items is not available via the bulk upload tool.  Bulk upload your sessions and then manually attach the necessary documents.

  5. Attaching people to schedule items is possible via the bulk upload tool, but it is a little more complicated.

If you have questions, please chat with us here or email

* This feature is only available during the trial and when you are subscribed to certain plans. See and look for "Content Import" 

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