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Page Header Design

Updated page header design and how to switch back

Jason Bekolay avatar
Written by Jason Bekolay
Updated over 4 years ago

We want to help our customers make attractive apps and have made an improvement to page headers. When you open a page on your device, there is a new larger header that shows the title prominently. When the user scrolls down, the header shrinks to feature the page content:

Note that the new headers do not apply to Rich Text pages right now. We know many customers have styled their Rich Text pages with their own headers.

We're looking forward to adding more styling options to our headers in the future. Let us know what you think and what you would like to see in our web chat or by email at!

If you would prefer to keep the old header design, you can switch back in your app settings page:

Once you modify the setting you will need to publish your app. Once you published, your headers will go back to the smaller style:

Note that we will eventually remove support for the old header design, but when that happens we will inform you with plenty of time to modify your apps.

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