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Mobile App Analytics
Luke Melia avatar
Written by Luke Melia
Updated over a week ago

The Analytics page gives insights about the usage of an app.


  • A Core or Team plan

  • The app needs to be published and to have been installed at least once

Yapp mobile app statistics are split into three categories: All Time Statistics, App Usage Over Time and App Content Statistics. Below is a breakdown of the data available in each section.

All Time Statistics

Your app analytics start out with all time app statistics so you can review high level metrics and trends for your app.

  • Total app installs: This is the number of times your mobile app has been downloaded onto a unique device. If one user downloads the app on two devices, it will count as two installs.

  • Total app views:  This shows you the total number of times your app was viewed by all of your users. If one user views the app 5 times on one device and 3 times on another device, that would add 8 views to the total app view count.* 

  • Unique app views: This shows you the total number users who viewed your app each day. If one user views the app 5 times on one day and another user views the app 3 times the same day, that would add 2 unique views for that day.

  • Most popular page: This is the page with the most views from all of your users out of all of your pages.*

  • Device breakdown: See a breakdown of the percentage of iOS and Android installs for your app.

  • Most popular day: This indicates the exact date that had the most views for your app.*

App Usage Over Time

This section features data for a specific time frame for aggregate metrics so you can monitor your app performance over time.

  • The specific data points you can delve into here are device installs, app views*, unique app views* as well as posts to News Feed and Crowd Pics template pages.

  • The default time frame is the last two weeks but you can change this to the dates you’d like to view the metrics for.

  • If your app has more than one page that uses the same template, the dashboard shows one chart for all those pages with data broken down for each of the pages within the chart. 

Content Statistics - All Time

This section houses content specific data so you can discover the pages that your users like the most as well as get a quick review of all your poll responses.

  • Viewed page: This is a bar chart of all the pages in the app that have been viewed, in descending order by total number of page views.

  • If you have a page with no views, it will not show up in the viewed page bar chart.

  • For every poll you create, you can view a pie chart for the poll responses. Each poll will have a separate pie chart. 

If you have enabled privacy settings and are looking for who has downloaded your app, you can find that in your privacy settings.

We will be adding more metrics to this dashboard over time.  Make sure they are the ones you want! email us to give feedback on analytics.

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